
Give Your Youngster The Racing Experience

Give Your Youngster The Racing Experience

Join a junior go-kart racing division in Groveton, NH

There's no reason kids can't participate in the world of motorsports. Riverside Speedway and Adventure Park hosts go-kart racing events on a special asphalt go-kart track in the pits, designed just for the karts. We have four divisions-Rookie, Daredevils, Mini Pro, and Pro. Admission is $15.00 per person.
Riverside Speedway and Adventure Park is gearing up for the 2025 kart racing season as they make plans for another exciting year of competitive go-kart competition. This past year was a tremendous success, and the staff are preparing for an even better season in 2025. The phones have begun to ring regularly, as people are anxious to get as much information as possible so they can prepare themselves for the upcoming season, including registering new competitors and offering sponsorship for the youngsters.
All four of our go-kart racing divisions will be returning in 2025. Divisions will be condensed, and changed, as necessary. Stay up to date by contacting us today.

The management team

We're proud to announce our finalized 2025 go-kart program management team, including:
Managers - Mike & Stephanie Humphrey

  • Line Up - Robyn Edgecomb & Stephanie Humphrey
  • Flagger- Chris Meunier
  • Head of Tech - _______
  • Handicapper / Lineups - Stephanie Humphrey
  • Scorers - Dawn Pelletier & Amanda Avery
  • Announcer - Chris Meunier
  • Corner Personnel - Brenna Humphrey
  • Pit Booth Manager - Jamie Meunier
  • Track Photographers - Shirley Nickles & Ryan Jordan










































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































The management team from Riverside Speedway and Adventure Park and the go-kart program are pleased with the schedule that has been released. They will continue to seek sponsorships and put the final touches on the 2022 Karting season. For more information, call Mike Humphrey 207-432-7724 or email riversidegroveton@gmail.com Riverside Speedway and Adventure Park is located at 78 Craggy Road in Groveton, New Hampshire.